Friday, April 20, 2007

Your Health

The following segment of information is from the following link.

It has profound implications for everyones healthcare choices.

Just as everybody has a unique fingerprint, so is our response to various pharmaceuticals and other healing modalities. No reasonable person can expect a mass produced pharmaceutical to address all the subtle nuances of varying human physiology – but that is not stopping Big Pharma, the FDA, and Congress from trying to take away your right to individualized medicine.

If this legislation passes, federal regulators, not your doctor, will decide what medicines you can take. Do you really want to leave your customized medicine needs in the hands of bureaucrats in the government? We cannot stand idly by while our pharmacists and doctors are forced to become mere dispensers of a few heavily-advertised, one-size-fits-all pharmaceutical products.

Among other things, the so-called Safe Drug Compounding Act of 2007 would give the Food and Drug Administration the power to:

• Broadly eliminate the availability of many critical, commonly compounded medications that many patients rely on, such as bioidentical hormones for women, hospice care treatments for the terminally ill and customized medicines for children.

• Determine when compounded medicines are needed - a decision that has always been and should always be made by doctors.

• Restrict the compounded medications your doctor can prescribe even if he or she determines you need them.

If you want to maintain your freedom to make the choices you need with your health care professional, use the following copy and send as a letter to urge those who represent us in the U.S. Sentate and the House of Representatives.

Here is that copy to send to:

Senator Norm Coleman
320 Senate Hart Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Senator Norm Coleman
2550 University Ave W, Suite 100N
St. Paul , MN 55114

Senator Amy Klobuchar
302 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington , DC 20510

Senator Amy Klobuchar
1 Federal Drive
Whipple Federal Building, Suite 298
Fort Snelling, MN 55111

I know that you are committed to protecting patients and, as a result, I hope that you share my concerns about the draft Safe Drug Compounding Act of 2007 that may soon be introduced by Senators Edward Kennedy, Richard Burr and Pat Roberts.

I rely on compounded medications. Without access to them, I will suffer.

The Safe Drug Compounding Act would restrict and possibly even deny my access to vital compounded medications, medications that my doctor has determined I need.

Just as everybody has a unique fingerprint, so is our response to various pharmaceuticals and other healing modalities. No reasonable person can expect a mass produced pharmaceutical to address all the subtle nuances of varying human physiology – but that is not stopping Big Pharma, the FDA, and Congress from trying to take away your right to individualized medicine.

As your constituent, I strongly urge you to oppose this legislation and look forward to hearing your response.



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