Thursday, April 10, 2008

April 13th, 2008

Ask Your Animal

Marta Williams found out about animal communication during a vision quest in the White Mountains of California in 1989. In a vision quest one journeys into nature (in my case the high desert) alone for a period of days to seek guidance from the realm of spirit. I was asking to be shown the best way for me to help the earth and the animals. It was on this journey that I learned (from the quest organizers) of a woman who taught people to communicate with animals. It became clear during my quest that I was supposed to follow whatever path animal communication would lead to. Once I discovered that animal communication was actually possible, I dedicated myself to learning it.

I now work full-time as an animal communicator, offering consultations for animals worldwide to help solve behavior problems, find lost animals, assist animals during illness and death, and bring people and animals and people and nature closer together. I specialize in horses and am a proponent of natural training methods and holistic health care.

Because I had such a hard time learning this skill I developed a unique training system for teaching others. I offer workshops, clinics and lectures nationally and internationally. I've found that the best way to learn is by doing. When people take my workshops they start practicing right away and immediately have the undeniable experience of communicating intuitively with an animal. Each workshop is designed to provide students with tangible, verifiable proof that what they are doing is real. I'm a very supportive teacher, able to give everyone the special attention and assistance they need. I've taught thousands of people how to talk to their animals and trained many professional animal communicators.

All of my experience is included in my new how-to book, Learning Their Language: Intuitive Communication with Animals and Nature. I've also written articles for the Whole Horse Journal, Natural Horse Magazine, Ride Magazine, and Healing Garden Journal and I was featured in Intuition Magazine, the Whole Horse Journal and Arthur Myers' book, Communicating with Animals.


Fly and Spin Fishing for River Smallmouths

Freelance writer/photographer Bruce Ingram has published over 1,600 articles and over 1,700 photos in various magazines like Outdoor Life, Virginia Game and Fish, and Virginia Wildlife. He focuses on fishing, hunting, canoeing, bird watching and conservation issues. He has also authored The Shenandoah and Rappahannock Rivers Guide, The New River Guide, and The James River Guide. Bruce is a high school English teacher and lives in Fincastle, Virginia, with his wife and two children.

Bruce Ingram is the author of the following books (cost in parentheses): The James River Guide ($17.25), The New River Guide ($18.25), Shenandoah/Rappahannock Rivers Guide ($18.25), and his new book, Fly and Spin Fishing for River Smallmouths ($19.25).

To purchase one, send a check for the noted amount of sale to: Ingram at P.O. Box 429 , Fincastle , VA 24090.

To email Bruce:


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